If you aren’t already receiving email updates from the Swenson Book Development, LLC blog, we’d like to invite you to subscribe using the form on the sidebar. If you are already receiving updates in your inbox, we highly suggest switching to our new format!
Swenson Book Development has switched to Mailchimp as our official email RSS update system. We’re happy to announce a more readable and handsome format for staying on top of our posts.
Why the switch? Our previous email feed didn’t give us as much control, and blogs had a habit of arriving to our readers not looking as polished as we’d like. To reach the level of professionalism that matches our writing, we decided to move to a new system.
There are lots of changes beyond email updates afoot under-the-hood for SBD, LLC – Chad Lieberman, computer whiz extraordinaire, has been hard at work making our site faster and up-to-date.
Not sure how to unsubscribe from our old feed? Next time you get an email from us, check the bottom of the message and click unsubscribe (and then don’t forget to subscribe to our new, improved emails!)