So you’ve searched Google and Go.Daddy to determine that your author name is available as a domain name. Great. But before you buy a domain name and begin building the foundation for your electronic home, open a Google account and set up an administrative email address through Gmail, using your author name. This is the name you will use consistently across all communication formats—print and… [Read More]
Filed Under: API Key, author platform, domain name, electronic persona, Gmail, GoDaddy, Google, research tools, using Google services, website administration
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Creating Your Author Platform: Your Name is Your Brand Authors’ names are their brands, and satisfied readers exercise brand loyalty. They shop for titles by author name, and when they come across a real find, they recommend it to friends. Those friends do the same, and the chain continues. But a book is more than a cover or jacket. It is the embodiment of a… [Read More]
Filed Under: Audience platform, Author, Brand, Domain, GoDaddy, Google, Name, Strategic Social Media