In January, Jill Swenson starts intensive writing workshops in the Ithaca area intended for those who seek to improve their writing craft and/or have a work-in-progress. At each session, every writer will present new work. Participants are expected to attend every session and bring two double-spaced pages of text with photocopies for the group. Each writer will read their selection out loud and the group… [Read More]
You created a strong relationship with your local bookstore. You shop there. You know the staff and are familiar with the inventory, programs and events. And now you’ve committed yourself to a public reading of your work-in-progress at your local independent bookstore. How can an author best prepare to make the experience – for the bookstore, for those who attend, and for an author – a… [Read More]
More than any other reason, acquisition editors use the lack of an audience platform to reject a book project. They look at more than the numbers of followers, friends, tweeps and subscribers to assess the size of your reading audience. Social media metrics are one indication of an author’s potential customer base. There are many others. Here’s a list of what an agent or acquisition… [Read More]